All posts by Arjen Klaverstijn

Midi Controller

Wooowie… Almost done with my DIY midi controller! Only soldering all the wires and attaching a panel mount type B tot the case left. The mainboard is a teensy and will be running my own arduino code. When I finish the build,  I’ll publish the source, stl’s, scematics,  BOM and full 4 deck Traktor mapping here on my blog! De box is made from an old IKEA bunk bed. The top panel is made from old IKEA flooring. Note to self, next version: laser cut everything!

‘The Art of pho’ a motion comic

The past year my girlfriend Lois van Baarle worked on a motion comic named ‘The Art of Pho’ based on the graphic novel by Julian Hanshaw. The whole piece was produced at Submarine Channel.

The Comic was carefully animated and converted into an interactive experience. Every day of this week the an episode of the comic will be released. The music was composed by Pastelle Music in Amsterdam.

You’ll find this wonderfull project here:

Check out the trailer:

An interview with the creators/ Making Of:

Official Press Release:

The Art of Pho by Julian Hanshaw is a moving and surreal story about a creature named Little Blue and his relationship with Ho Chi Minh City, better known as Saigon. In Vietnam’s bustling capital Little Blue learns to master the art of making Pho – Vietnam’s ubiquitous national noodle dish.

The Art of Pho was the highly anticipated debut graphic novel of the award-winning British illustrator and animator Julian Hanshaw. Under his creative supervision and with animation director Lois van Baarle, Submarine Channel adapted The Art of Pho for the web. The interactive graphic novel adds the dimensions of sound, music, animation and interactivity to Hanshaw’s exquisitely drawn artwork and features 8 episodes.

Julian Hanshaw
British-born Julian Hanshaw (1971) graduated from the University of Wolverhampton with a BA Hons in Fine Art. After spending three years at the NFTS, where his animation ‘The Church of High Weirdness’ won a prestigious Golden Reel Award, Hanshaw worked as an animator and animation director on double BAFTA-award winning projects such as Charlie & Lola, and Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto! After 12 years in the animation industry, Hanshaw needed a new challenge and returned to his first love, comics. With his short story ‘Sand Dunes and Sonic Booms’ he won the 2008 Observer/Cape Graphic Short Story Prize. Two years later he published his first graphic novel, The Art of Pho. A collection of short graphic novel stories is to be released by Random House in 2012. Julian is currently working on a new graphic novel.

Lois van Baarle
Born with a pencil in her hand, Lois van Baarle only recently developed a preference for digital art and animation. Although born in The Netherlands, Van Baarle has lived all over the world, including the U.S., Indonesia, France and Belgium. After high school, Van Baarle studied animation and pursued art as a career. Following a one-year study in Ghent (Belgium) van Baarle attained her European Media Master of Arts title from The Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) in 2009. Her graduation film, the breathtaking animated short ‘Trichrome Blue,’ went viral. Inspirations include Japanese manga and anime, French comic artists such as Aurore BlackCat, Art Nouveau artist Alfonse Mucha, as well as the online art community DeviantArt. Van Baarle lives and works in Utrecht (NL).

Submarine Channel
Founded in 2001, Submarine Channel is one of the world’s premiere destinations for original transmedia dramas, motion comics, web documentaries and other forms of genre-defying entertainment that advances the art of the moving image. From studios in Amsterdam and L.A., Submarine Channel creates fresh content that exploits new technologies to tell stories in visually exciting, multiple format-friendly ways. Projects include, among many others, the motion comic The Killer (2003), the interactive animation series HOTEL by Han Hoogerbrugge (2004) and Valley of the Cnuties by Craig Robinson (2008), the website about title design ‘Forget the Film, Watch the Titles,’ and the Digital Emmy-award nominated transmedia project Collapsus (2010).


A phone desk stand made out of Tecc (merkur)…

Oke, now for some super nerdy stuff. Íf your not into this, look away.

This morning I woke up at my parents place. In their guest room I found my old box of Tecc (Dutch version of merkur, meccano based on the metric system source: wikipedia) and decided to construct a little desk stand for my phone. I always wanted to make one. I made one once out of paper, but I think this one is not only stronger, but also more visually appealing. It has kind of a retro look. I like it. It consists of 3 parts and two pairs of nut and bold. Check it out:

Manfred goes to Italy!

Well actually, he ‘went’ to Italy. After Cinekid in Amsterdam, Go short in Nijmegen & more, Manfred was screened at the 2011 Gifonni Film Festival in Italy, and I forgot all about it. I was proud to be screened there together with shorts from some of Holland’s best 2d animators, Frodo kuijpers & Joost Lieuwma. So if you were at the festival around that week, and visited the Short Link program, tell me how it was!